Four ways to Feel Better this Spring?

Welcome to April! The birds are chirping, the flowers are blooming, and the Kapha dosha is still strongly present in our bodies and surrounding us. You may feel sensitive, irritable, heavy, congested, or stuck. Not to worry, dear human! A few simple things can turn that frown upside down…

First, move your body!

Bodies in motion stay in motion, right? So, the less we move, the more stuck our inner organs are as well. Get that lymph moving! Not only will you feel and look better, but your whole system will function better and your immunity will be stronger!

Second, lay off the dairy!

Imagine a spring where you didn’t feel congested or allergic to everything around you. Dairy, particularly cheese, is a huge contributor to excess phlegm and congestion. Plus, cheese has casein, which is addictive. Breaking your addiction to this drug will improve your health in more ways than one!

Third, try a little less sugar!

no sugar or cut back on sugar intake for a healthier lifestyle and optimum body weight

Sweetness is so tasty and necessary and can be very pacifying to the Vata and Pitta doshas. It’s incredibly aggravating for Kapha though and only leads to more heaviness and congestion. I wouldn’t take it out completely, cuz, come on! Allowing yourself to enjoy a small amount slowly wil be fulfilling and non-aggravating.

And finally, DO THE CLEANSE!

Spring time is the right time to cleanse your body. We offer a 10 day, one-on-one cleanse designed just for your dosha. Join us!

FEEL good
BE good
DO good,
